Anything But Ordinary

"My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while its on your plate"


i dont believe this needs to be continued any longer......unless i recieve vehement opposition to the official end to my signing off for good, peace friends.


i should be studying for my comm test thursday, but i just cant focus, i dont care enough. i have been fortunate enough so far to be doing really well on my exams, A's on the first 3.....lets hope i can maintain that, at least for a little while. i dont have much to say...i just felt the need to write, i made my second trip to the emergency room last night, and the people were really mean, except for the nurse who looked like my math teacher, she was nice, but i had to give blood for the first time, which was a quite terrifying experience for me. i know that sounds wussy, but ive never done it before and i hate needles, so sue me for being a little nervous. im so sick of school, im ready for it to be over, i just cant focus mom is comin down this weekend and i am excited, and before i know it ill be home again, and that will be sorry, i just dont know what to say, im really hungry, i think im gonna eat a kitkat before i go to bed....dont know how much longer the blog is gonna last kiddos, gimme a shoutout if you want to keep it alive, but for now, peace.


you know emily, you wanted me to keep this so you could comment on it.....and i see no comments via emily the blog is in serious jeopardy of being terminated. but i will continue anyways, without the link to this in my profile, alot less people can read it. im really starting to miss familiar faces, my mom is coming in town next weekend and i am really excited. i needed her this weekend because i was so sick and i just wanted her here to take care of me, thats one of those things that before you come you forget you might miss.....but i do. i really wish jordan was here too, i miss him so much, this is really hard, but i know its gonna be so worth it, i just wish i wasnt so poor so i could see him in 3 weeks in stead of 2 months, that kinda stinks. im just ready for people to come visit, and even maybe to go will just be nice i guess. i mean dont get me wrong, i am still having so much fun here, especially with FLiP starting up, i met so many cool people this weekend, and angela said it so perfectly, it really is the most random group of people ever, so it will be so fun, i love our counselors too, they are just awesome. this year is gonna be so fun...minus all the tests and crap, what a pain, i hate know what? i really want to go to new york for new years, i know that is totally random, but i think that would be so much fun, i dont know who with, i think it would be fun to go with jordan....but of course i would, anyways, that was random, but i just wrote something for you emily, because you are the only one who reads it, and if i dont see a comment soon, its gone forever, peace.


well to be honest, this day did not start out good. i went to philosophy which, if you arent already suffering some kind of illness it will force illness upon you, it really is that awful. then i went to comm aka waste of my time, that being the introductory course to major ladies and gentlemen, so thats good news indeed. then i ate lunch alone, felt like crizzap, got in a quick nap before eco, where my prof sold someone a copy of the old exams from our class for $21. thats a little ridiculous to me...because not only did it only cost like $3.25 to buy somewhere else, but you could print them off online too, but that dr. allen is a tricky one. so then i proceeded to do some hw, which is typical, then i drove around for an hour trying to find this place where i am supposed to pick up a package. and it was just one of those catch every red light, get to every place you want to be 5 minutes after it closes because you were stuck in traffic kinda days. but then i came back got some dinner, and talked to some people who really managed to cheer me up and make my day. brad and napoleon and of course jordan, really helped me relax and laugh, while i did my comm project. jordan always knows how to just make me happy.....i miss him alot.... im watching conan for the first time in months so that makes me happy too. I realized that i havent drank milk in over a month....that cant be good, so i guess i am going to substitute my usual smoothie and muffin for milk...and something might say cereal but i eat as i walk to psyc, so thats not gonna work. last night was our first FLiP meeting and i am so excited i met so many cool people and our counselors rock too. when we were in rudder fountain playing around or whatever...i went to jump over the part of the fountain that shoots up, but i slipped and landed on it and in the process, i got this huge scratch bruise on my back and broke my bra. so i was running around all night with my bra unhooked wondering why it felt so funny.....good times. ok im gonna attempt to get in bed early, so goodnight, and i hope you have a great week! oh and we beat the hell outta clemson, heck yes! farmers fight, call it a night, peace.


its been a long week....but im glad its finally pretty much over. and by pretty much i mean as of 1220 tomorrow i will have completed my first college exam. its that kinda of thing that makes my mom cry, kinda like...rosh hashanah, happy RH everyone!

anyways like i said, i have a psyc test tomorrow, and im pumped, i love to the very core of my being psychoneuroimmunology and the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, but more than anything....endogenous opioids. im really not very good at studying....i cant focus for more than like 20 mins at a i screwed? what do you think?

im really excited for tomorrow night, im goin to dinner with brady, then the volleyball and soccer game, and of course midnight yell, i think it will be a good end to a rather long and stressful week. remember how i talked about how i was really excited for my philosophy class? it is still a good chance to stand firm in my beliefs and be strong, but holy crap that class is a butt whooping. my teacher is so so boring and makes no sense at all, its not what i had hoped to be, and as of now i will be more than satisfied with a C in that class. i feel like i should study more...but i also feel like i know this stuff, my suitemate Kim is in this class with me, maybe we can go over some stuff together, but as for now, im calling it a night. emily and jordan will both be in dayton, ohio this weekend participating in their collegiate atheltic events, isnt that weird? i miss them both very not going home till homecoming in like a month and i think that is awesome. ok guys seriously, i havent had a coke all week, if you know me at all, you know what a struggle that is, and so that makes me feel kinda good about myself.

i have been a little sad lately, i dont know why, not really when im with my friends, but when im alone with my thoughts, i am sad, i do not know why.....tuesday was a good day, i remember ready for some chillier weather, im tired of breaking into a sweat on my way to class, then just getting to sit and let it stick to my body, while i am being forced to learn, at this point, the same material in about 3 different classes, oh well, at least its easy, have a good weekend.


it went from enjoying the sexy phlegm (sp?) to oh my gosh dont talk to me or i will sneeze all over your face. apparantly 1 out of every 3 people at a&m have contracted some sort of illness this past week, this of course including myself. i feel like crap, and it doesnt help that i stay up till 2 AM at least every night. you might be saying "jamie you idiot go to bed" and thats when i say, "dont call me an idiot" and i stay up till 2AM, mainly because im a night owl, and i like having a social life, sorry. life has been so busy lately with all these applications and a test on friday, and battles with laundry machine, college rules. but at least my hard work on those applications paid off, because i got interviews for all of them, i had one today and it went well, i have two tomorrow, and one of them is business casual i dont know how i feel about that. im sick and i dont care how i look, and you shouldnt either, i thought it was whats on the inside that counts....yea right, whatever. no im kidding, these are great organizations really, and i really hope i get into one. midnight yell and the football game were this past weekend, and it was SO much fun, despite it being hot, and at that time my sickness was only beginning i had such a great time, and this is only the beginning.

for some reason, college time seems to move alot slower than high school/summer time. i swear i have been here for like 3 months and it has only been 3 weeks, i have loved it so much, its just weird because i feel like i have known these people forever. like this past summer went by so so fast, so much happened and it seemed like it only lasted a week, its weird how those things work out. ok friends, all ye who arent in college station i miss you, and ill see you when i see you cuz im not leavin here for a long time. im sick and i need to be nursed back to health, oh yea, go see garden state, its amazing, peace.


i have to wake up in less than 6 hours, why am i blogging? i dont really know i just needed to get my thoughts down, and because my roommate is still up and due to the 2 hour nap i took this afternoon some things didnt get done until about 30 minutes ago, but like i said its cool. im really ready for this week to be over there is just too much going on i feel like i am forgetting something. i just want it to be friday at the soccer game, then midnight yell (yea yea) then finally on saturday the first home fightin texas aggie football game, i cant even explain how excited i am. im too sleep and hunger deprived to say anything of real meaning or even of real comprehension. im just frustrated with some stuff right now, and im kinda wishing every thing would just go away for a little while, or that we could at least revert back to the week before school started, what carefree time those were. im applying to 4 flos and i really want to get into one, especially flip, i dunno it just seems made for me. so many people apply and like less than 15% get in, and i just dont know if i am qualified enough, if i am unique or special enough to be involved in this, lets just hope so. i have an aggie sisters for christ meeting tomorrow, im looking forward to it, but i talked to someone who said they werent very impressed so we will see about that, ok thats it i am beyond tired and i have yet another long day tomorrow, stress levels are rising, not just with school though, with everything, like i said i really wish i could hit the pause button right now. peace.