Anything But Ordinary

"My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while its on your plate"


my blogging strike is beginning now. not only do i really not have anything to say, but its pointless, no one cares. this isnt being written in bitterness or anything, just out of the fact that im beginning to lose sight of the reason for this. oddly enough its hard to write interesting thought provoking blogs when your life is good. no one wants to hear about someones complete happiness when their life is miserable, well i mean they could be happy for their happy friend, but for the most part its not something to be rubbed in. i may step in and update from time to time, if something interesting or exciting happens, like tonight i went to the pat green concert with jordan and it was so much fun, i kinda suck cuz i didnt actually know many of the songs, but it was still a great time, that pat green is a good man.

so unless anyone has any strong wordy objections to the short term stoppage of my blog, you know what the comments are for.


Well, to just come out and say it....girls are stupid. There will be no expounding upon this you dont need details, its just truth, so just believe me. I enjoying hanging out with boys instead of girls for a reason.

Speaking of boys, i have one of my own now. Yes thats right jamie simon weird manish awkward big headed hand footed larger than life jamie simon has a boyfriend. And of all guys in the whole world its Jordan Spence. He must have seen something under all the fat and weirdness that no one else has ever seen. Hey im not complainin, its Jordan Spence, not to brag or rub it in, but im the luckiest girl i know, and i really am genuinely happy right now, despite the fact that my friends are causing a ruckus, but this too shall pass.

Phone call gotta run, enjoy your summer, my birthday is a week from today i enjoy victorias secret and gift certificates to clothing stores.


Boston was amazing, pure wonderfulness. God did so many amazing things, definitely the best year ever. I got so much closer to so many more people, and it was just awesome. Im really gonna miss it, sure we have more performances, but its not the same as performing in the Commons watching one homeless guy whack another in the head with a plastic bag while you are singing and dancing about taking the shackles off your feet so you can dance. What an experience. Im not gonna do inside jokes, because you dont care and i dont want to type them all. All you need to know is that it was incredible.

I saw the chronicles of riddick last night. And by saw i mean, caught a couple glimpses because i couldnt stop falling asleep. I dont mean to throw down bad advertising for this movie (even though it was bad) but i was so tired for boston, i got an hour and a half of sleep the night before. But anyways, i dont think its worth the money, but its your call.

Today was ryans birthday, so i took him to hooters and toby and ryan met us there. Since it was his bday and i was a hooters virgin, i had to go up to the front by the bar and spell my name with my butt while ryan rode around on a fake pony and they sang to him. Nothing like public humiliation. FIY ladies, dont go to hooters if you want to boost your self esteem, thats the total opposite direction to go if confidence is what you seek.

"lets get naked and throw ice at eachother"