Anything But Ordinary

"My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while its on your plate"


Monday 4 o clock Oprah, Brad Pitt.....thats right you heard me Brad Pitt, the most beautiful human being on the planet is going to be on Oprah, and i am excited. I am so excited, this is almost as good as when he was on Friends, but he could never be as hot as he was in Oceans 11, perfection.....unbeatable, the best.

Speaking of Friends, only one more episode, one, how weird is that. I have been a faithful fan since the first season, i remember imagining me and my friends at the time, as being like them when we were older, i dont think im even friends with any of those people anymore. I have been thinking alot about my life before i moved here, that would be second grade primarily. The one and only love of my life Caleb Hanie, would sing Uptown Girl to me while we stretched in PE, everytime i hear that song i get a little grin on my face, and get all girly and weird, he was amazing, and he sang to me. I always wondered if Caleb and all the others i often think of remember me, if they are like "hey you remember Jamie Simon? she was so cool, ill bet shes really hot now" Im sure thats what they say, i was cute in second grade, but it went downhill from third grade, still waiting for the upswing. Its all starting to really wind down, AP exams next week, already? I dont want to, but then i remind myself, that AP is all i have left really....and thats amazing, because then its prom, and graduation, and SUMMER oh man, this summer is going to be so fun, Boston, 18th birthday, moms wedding, cruise, camp, a road trip here or there, i really want to make the most of my time with people that i may never see again. Thats such a strange thought. The people that have annoyed me for the last like 7 years, are going to be out of my life pretty much forever in 3 weeks......A&M has no idea whats coming, im like a big ball of fun and excitement rolling straight towards College Station and all i have to say about that is....College Station is extremely lucky, dont you think?

"youre coming on to the whole room"


Its interesting how something that you can hate so much, that you have hated so much for as long as you can remember, can suddenly become the greatest thing ever. I am speaking of TAKS. For most of my educated life, every spring we have had to take what used to be TAAS and what is now TAKS. I hated it, 3 hours taking a really stupid test everyday for like a week straight. Horrible. Every year they tell us it is out last year to take it, then every year we return they are like "whoops! just kidding, you gotta take it again" and i wanted to cry. Well finally they told us it was the last time, and they werent lying. And today i have to go to class for a half hour. I went to smoothie king, ive been driving around listening to my music and enjoying the beautiful day. I love TAKS, me and TAKS are best friends, TAKS makes me happy now, it makes life easy. I have had alot of days like this one today throughout my senior year. I love senior year, its amazing. Its weeks like this one that make school feel like an errand, like going to the bank or something, its pointless, i plan on learning nothing, despite their efforts to try and teach me things. I have checked out, im in college, and now its just ap exams, prom, graduation, and the most amazing summer of all time.

I am so blessed, i have so many amazing friends, they make my day everyday, and all in different ways. Some people its comforting to talk to about our days and maybe vent a little. Others, i look forward to them making me laugh everyday without fail. I dont say this to brag or anything, i just think its important that we take the time to remember how blessed we are, that God put these people in our lives because he loves us, and he can love us through them, and he can love them through us. I just think thats such a cool idea. Thats one of my favorite things about God, he loves us so so much, but since we cant be with him until our time is up here, he gave us our friends and family to love us and for us to love. He picked someone out for us to spend the rest of our lives with that will love us like no one can, except God of course. I think its so cool, that before we were born, he had that person picked out for us, and that he will bring us together if we follow him, that he in essence made you for that other person, kinda gives me chills, i love it. I thank God everyday for my friends and family, i dont know where i would be, or who i would be without them. I may not have the most friends in the world but as most people say its quality not quantity, and thats so true.....i have the highest quality friends anyone could have. And i really, really dont deserve them.

"I thank my God every time I remember you." ~Philippians 1:3


Im a little concerned, forgive me for being self centered but im a bit concerned about myself. My eating habits have changed really drastically recently, and it scares me, because its not really in a good way. I feel like everything i eat will make a noticeable difference in my appearance, that with every cookie, pizza roll, nacho, whatever i will get visibly fatter. I know thats stupid and i know im not fat, but it concerns me so much that i just kinda skip meals. Im starving but i dont want to eat anything unless its like subway, cuz im just afraid it will make me fat and unhealthy, and it will most likely give me heartburn too, and thats just painful. But i look in the mirror and i dont like what i see, now that i have no real obligations i will be working out alot more than i have been able to. But that doesnt change the fact that went almost a whole day without eating like a week ago. If you know me at all, you know that is totally weird. I have tried to cut out snacks, which is good, but whole meals? Not so good, im just concerned because i want to change my habits, but i guess knowing that im not going to be playing sports anymore its all on me to stay in shape, and that scares me because i make alot of excuses not to, im just lazy. I need to change this. I didnt write this so that you would all tell me that im not fat and all that. I know im not fat, im not at all, but for the first time in my life im having serious body issues and i dont want to develop bad habits. My mom always says shes fat but she isnt at all i dont think, but as long as i have been alive she has had issues with how she looks and i dont want that, i dont want to be so unhappy with myself, but i am, im more self conscious now more than ever, and it scares me. So just pray for me, i dont think i need to go on a diet, i just need to clean up my act, so if you have suggestions, please give them, cuz im scared.


I noticed something today, across the top of everyones blog are links to just random webpages, and i realized that those links are related to the topic of the most recent blog. On emilys they were for shopping, for jordans they were on britney spears, and mine they were on weightlifting, i just thought that was weird. How does it know?

Yesterday was my last day at the elementary school for PALS, tear.....anyways, i was there, and the kids come into the room from another classroom, and crazy snake eyed russian girl, takes off in a dead spring for me, i figured she would do the usual kindergarten thing, wrap her arms around my waist and go sit down. No. Thats not what the russians do. They run at you, dig their bony knee into your thigh,wrap their arms around your neck, and refuse to let go. Kinda of like a fungus.....or a virus, a russian fungus/virus, thats what she is. Anyways i finally peel her off of me, and as im walking around the room watching them do their little activity, this kid goes "jamie! i smoked a cigarette!".......before i could be like "excuse me what?" he goes "a candy cigarette!" and laughs. I almost fell over, i was like, is this a joke what do i do? I know those kids are starting earlier everyday, so thats why i didnt automatically rule it out as a joke. It kinda reminded me of that part in super troopers when ramathorne, rabbit and little arlo are in the cop car and ramathorne asks arlo if his mom had anyone over that he called "uncle" and he was like "yea uncle fred!" and it turns out to be a cartoon, super troopers relates to everything.

You know its bad when you go to the embassy, and you get your kids, and after the day is done, other people are telling you they are hellraisers as you watch them jump up and try to grab the barbed wire on top of the fence. You also know its bad when you get your kids and their teacher comes up and tells you that one of them is on medication and that it may not have kicked in. Both of these happened to me and Jenna this was as fun as it sounds. Luckily the kids medication had kicked in, he was mellow, almost autistic, he just kinda walked off on his own, im beginning to think the might have lit up before he came out, his eyes looked kinda funny, and he wasnt talking coherently, man 1st grade....good times.

We graduate one month from today, i cant wait, school is pointless. I burned my butt again today! But its not my fault, they said the beds had been used alot, so they are a bit hotter, it doesnt make my butt feel any better though.

"i do not understand you at all"


Close your eyes.....and imagine this scene i am about to depict for walk into your local rec center to lift weights, there is a gate to kind of separate it from the rest of the facility, and you walk throught the gate to get to the weights and treadmills and what not. You glance around looking for familiar faces (remember you are a girl) you make brief eye contact, with a younger looking guy, kinda skinny and pale, no big deal, there are at least one of them in every gym. Anyways, you go to the other side of the small weight lifting area and sit down on the machine, get ready to do your thing, and this guy sneaks over to the machine next to first you figure aint no thang, the mans gotta lift weights. Anyways you change machines and go about your business, sit down in the next machine he hasnt moved....but hes are kinda creeped out, but hope it was just a coincidence. You continue with your workout. You are using one of the benches to do stuff with free weights, and there is a bench right next to yours, and he comes over, with what seems to be no purpose, he appears to be adjusting it, he is doing this as you clean off your bench, and move to pick up a mat to go to the other side of the weight room to do crunches. No more than 10 seconds after that.....he is headed your way.....there is about a 3-5 foot gap between your mat and the gate.....he chooses that one empty space out of the multiple to choose from to do cant see him and you wont look cuz WTF?! thats just weird. He then starts to do the first machine he had done when he started following you around at the beginning and as though he realized he had already done it, he goes to a machine just on the other side of you. Making sure to stay within 3 ft of you. You finish, clean the mat and get up quickly to leave, you walk out of the weightroom take a drink from the water fountain, turn to leave and see him staring at you through the gate. You shudder.

Ugh, i wanted to go defunctify myself after that, not because i was sweaty from working out (even though i was) but because i felt that i had been violated with his mind. It was not a good feeling. But during this whole ordeal, a single thought made me laugh. Before i went to work out, i went tanning at the local salon, and there were a lot of people waiting in there, one of them being a young teenage guy. Now there are two things that really just make me laugh and also make me wonder, well there are lots of things that make me laugh, but these two just apply to the situation. It makes me laugh that guys go tanning, i dont know why, its just funny to imagine them with the little goggles putting the bronzer on, it just makes me giggle. I mentioned many blogs ago, my issue with boys driving girl cars i.e. celicas. Well, it never made me laugh until today, cuz his bed was ready, and he told the lady to hold on b/c he left his goggles in his car (silly him!) so he runs his get his tanning goggles....and i couldnt turn my head either way to laugh, there were people on all sides. I just thought that i should introduce myself so maybe we could go shopping together sometime.

I burned my butt tanning today, that is the downside of regions that get tanned that have never seen the light of day before, they get burned, and im not one of those people that will benefit from areas normally covered up being tan, why you ask? Because they shall remain covered up unless some freak accident occurs (ex. playing pool basketball in a tube top swimsuit).

"all chinese people look do white people.....pretty much anyone who isnt black....looks alike to me"


There is really only one thing that bothers me about the onset, of warm sunny spring weather. Its those hardcore bikers, not the harley guys, but the guys who think they are Lance Armstrong. He is the opnly man in the world as far as im concerned that is allowed to ride his bike in the street, as for the rest of those rejects who think they are hardcore, move over 7 ft onto the sidewalk and get out of the stinkin road. They only cause problems for everyone, when all they have to do is stay on the sidewalk. Maybe they are confused, maybe they think since its called a side walk, that you cant ride your bike. Next time i see someone doing that im going to roll down my window and remind them that its a sidewalk-and ride your bike in order to get out of my way.

Today was a pretty good day. I went to Bellisimo's with Mike Roach, an old pal of mine from grapevine, and it was fun, its always nice to catch up with people you dont get to see for a while. We always had so much fun playing pool basketball (me mike jeremy jason emily jenna ben mark etc) then we would go in and eat birthday cake ice cream, which i recommend, it is delicious. Anyways, those were the good old days, good old fashioned fun, and oh yea we would do all of this after sand volleyball.....i love summer.

Then i decided i needed prom jewelry so i truck out to north east mall and start looking for jewelry and after approximately 25 seconds i get tired of that and say to myself "hey jamie, you have your moms credit card, and you are in the mall, look at your resources, and look at the oppurtunity, and take it....." so i did. I went to american eagle, usually my favorite store, and of course i pick up tons of things and try them on to find out that i look horendously FAT in those mirrors. It was bad, it made me feel really bad about myself. I know im not fat, but that mirror just kinda made me want to go hide, away from people who might see me and my "fat". Anyways, i head on over to Hollister, and ive never had time to shop there, ive been in, but havent had time to look around. Anyways, i have never seen a store that promotes anorexia and bulemia. Those close arent made for people over the age of 7, but people who are 17 where them anyways. Even i do.....i just have to remember that a large in Hollister world is like a small or medium in the normal shopping world, just so that i remember that im not fat/getting fatter. There is something refreshing about shopping by yourself. Its always nice to have the second opinion, but i can never take the time i want to try stuff on, and go at my own pace, and i hate shoppin with someone, who doesnt really have time/money to do good shopping, its just not fun. But today i just walked around took my time, went where i want, and rewarded myself at the end of the day with Dippin Dots, i love those, i want my own little Dippin Dots stand, but i dont need all the flavors, just chocolate mint.....mmmm good. Even though i celebrated, i never actually achieved my original goal....prom jewelry and shoes and what not, but i did manage to get cute clothes, and the 1st season DVD of chappelle's show, so it turned out to be a good day.

"whats another word for....engourged?.....swollen....turgid....'tumescent?'......perfect!"


Ok, we lost to the stupid juniors in powderpuff, and not because they were amazing, not because we sucked, but because the refs took the game and handed it to them. Anyone who was there knows it was true, juniors included. Anyways, this is just a long line of things gone wrong for our class since elementary school. 4th grade did we get to go to sky ranch? NO some teacher didnt think it was educational we went to the botanical gardens....i am still bitter. 8th grade, we were supposed to go to the holocaust museum, i thought that would have been interesting....but no they replaced it with something else....also lame. And every year since then, and including then, we have heard nonstop from our teachers and what not how horrible we are and how they couldnt wait to get rid of us. And not only is that rude but it makes us feel bad, and it all just kinda came down tonight. The one thing we thought they would give us they took away, whatever dude. Not cool, but the cheerleaders were so funny, and although we got penalties, our drunk and disorderly coaches were pretty funny too.

So i have decided after all of this unfairness, and hatred eminating from our school towards us, it means only one thing. In order to balance it all out, and make it right, im gonna have t be prom queen. I mean really, thats the only option, the only thing, that could possibly make me look back on this senior year and not think of being screwed over constantly. Ok you know im only kidding, but still, that would be cool, crowns are just plain cool, and i want one darnit! I still love football, despite all the bad memories it brings up, its too much fun to hate.

"ill believe it when my sh*t turns purple, and smells like rainbow sherbert"


I had a funny dream last night. I started out in renshaws class, getting ready to do a timed writing (see how it haunts my dreams and gives me nightmares?) and i look down and there is a giant cockroach on the ground by my desk. Not even in dreamworld could i face a cockroach so i stand up in my chair and start screaming, and of course renshaw laughs at me. And then from the other side of the room da da da DA! Here comes Jason Cohen to save the day...he walks over from the other side of the room with a notebook, apparantly to crush said cockroach, but as soon as he got close he freaked out too. Apparantly tuba wielding jews cant face cockroaches either. So he turns and takes off running across the desks, what an oxymoron, jason running.....anyways he goes running full speed across the desks and runs straight into the wall and falls to the floor, its not like he head butted the wall, it was like full frontal full speed crash into the wall. So i started laughing SO HARD. But for some reason no one else was laughing which was weird, because in the real world everyone would have laughed. Because it was awesome. Then i woke up and i was wondering why my dreams are so vivid and weird. It definitely keeps life more interesting, i mean just imagine it, jason cohen running full speed into a wall and crashing to the floor.....awesome.

I think i wanna get a boat, either inflatable, or i wanna build it myself. Like in rookie of the year, nothing big or special, just something to hang out on this summer, i think that would be cool, so should i buy one, or attempt to build, that would probably take forever, but it would be a really fun summer adventure.

A thought crossed my mind yesterday, in care group time at church we were talking about how opposites attract, but its those couples that are opposite that get married, and it is their lack of similarity that causes them to get divorced (the divorce rate is like 65%, isnt that sad?) but it always made more sense to me to be with someone that is alot like you, you believe the same things, want the same things, and wouldnt that lead to fewer fights and problems? Anyways, this topic interests me, so tell me if you agree that opposites attract, but they dont always last.....

"i know you can be overwhelmed and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be whelmed?"


My moms boyfriend Sam officially proposed to her tonight! I dont know how he did it, but i know he got her a beautiful ring and im so happy for them both. This really couldnt have happened a better mother would have followed me to college, i have been her whole life for nearly 18 years, now she has something else to occupy her time, it just proves that God has an amazing plan, and we have no clue what it is, but when we look back on the past few years in particular and all that has happened, and all the decisions we made that we didnt really understand, we can see that God was watching over us the whole time and that he was with us, and more importantly that that will never change. So when we look back at this time in our lives, and remembering being so confused about everything and wondering why things were happening the way they were, we will see that God was with us, and know that he had a plan and that it all happened for a reason, and i just think thats really cool.

I love my friends. All of them, but i have been losing touch with alot of people and i dont like that. I miss alot of people right now, i miss all the good times that we could have just hangin out and doing absolutely nothing. I miss how everyone one of them can make me laugh in totally different ways. I miss being able to talk for hours and hours about everything. Im really lookin forward to going to college and making new friends, but i dont know how patient i am gonna be able to be, waiting to build up the trust and comfort levels to where we can talk for hours and hours about everything and not worry about everyone knowing about it the next day. Its gonna take a while to be able to hang out and watch tv or just drive around listening to music and being able to not talk and still be totally comfortable. Thats probably what ill miss the most, the closeness i have with everyone, im about to start over again, but its a good thing because i will get to that level of friendship eventually. Im ready to be known as someone else, as a different kind of person, as the person i always thought i was i guess, i know this sounds weird, but just go with me. Im ready to be known as who i really am, not as who people want me to be so they can have a good laugh. Its been that way most of my life, and im tired of being the one everyone makes fun of all the time, im glad that i can make people laugh, but im not glad that people laugh at me, i know its not malicious or mean or anything all in good fun, but there are some things about me that i would like to change, and as im trying to change them im getting made fun of, im just ready to go into a new environment and not be known as anything or anyone, that way i can get rid of all the stuff that has made me so insecure all these years.

That was a whole lot of stupid rambling, sorry for wasting your time, enjoy your Easter weekend, remember what we celebrate it for.

"johnnys daddy was takin him fishin, when he was 8 years old"


Monday i went to the glenhope for service learning as i always do. I hang out with my second grade class, and my old teacher and its fun, good way to start the day. It hasnt been as fun recently because my teacher had a baby girl so he hasnt been there, this crazy sub lady has. All you heritage middle school remember mr slade? She look like they could either be married or brother and sister. So pretty much she looks like shes on crack, or at least smoking a whole lot of weed. Anyways, i was taking stuff off the wall in the hallway and his classroom is at the intersection of two halls. Well im down one hall doin my biznazz, and i hear this lady around the corner go "RUN" in this deep frightening rather booming voice. I hear little feet running, and this kid runs up and stops and turns and runs the other way. I would say hes about 4th or 5th grade kinda chubby a pretty big kid. Again i hear from the same booming voice around the corner and down the hall "RUN!" Huffing and puffing the kid runs up turns around and runs back. This goes on for a good 5-10 mins. "RUN!!", "PICK UP YOUR FEET!", "DONT WALK, RUN!".......and this poor kid is just running up and down the hall....i didnt know what to do, should i have done something? This kid can hardly go at the pace that this crazy nazi lady is making him go, and he was still going when i walked back in the classroom, there were other kids out in the hall doing work and they just looked uncomfortable. Is this cruel and unusual punishment? Shes making this kid just run back and forth up and down the hall, and i think it was just for being disrespectful....its not like he hit anyone, threw a brick at anyones head (that happened to someone in my class in 4th grade), anyways, it was really awkward i would have confronted the teacher, but i was afraid she was gonna make me run laps around the school or something. And its not like i could turn to crazy sub lady for help, she was too doped up to even know i was there.

Today i went to the elementary school for PALS. I was with my kindergartners chillin, helpin make these little bunny hats and that was cool, but then i sat down to read them a book. Recall the crazy russian girl i told you about, you know snake eyes? Really weird, always has crusty stuff in her nose, and is never actually looking at me unless she is looking forward and i am standing to her left or right. Recall also her inhuman violence, and tendency to pick people up and thrash them about etch - a - sketch.

Anyways, so crazy russian is sitting on the carpet waiting for me to read them a book next to this girl allison, and im waiting for everyone to shut up and sit down, cuz i had to read to them about the bunny who wanted red wings......anyways, allison walks over to me sticks her wrist in my face and says "kata (crazy russian) bit me...." i look down and see these huge teeth marks in that poor girls wrist, covered by russian slobber. I look down at kata....shes looking at the wall, and the sub.....and i said "kata....dont bite" in the toughest voice i could, for i was genuinely trembling with fear. She goes "hehe dont bite hehe..." AHHHHH what a creep!! Oh and wednesday when we go to the elementary school, my second grade kid isnt there so i go home at 1230, i heart being a senior.

"if i had to, id pee on anyone of you!"


I had an encounter, a battle world war 3, armegeddon, right here in my living room. I was going about my usual business, talking on the computer, reading and commenting on blogs and what not when i saw something out of the corner of my left eye, and sure enough right there in the middle of my living room.....a cockroach. I had just sat down to my plate of waffles for dinner, and as soon as i saw satans love child scurry across my floor i leapt up in a frenzy and made a mad dash for the living room on the other side of the house where my grandfather was quietly watching sportscenter. I yelled at him in words and sentences that were completely incoherent to kill the wretched creature that had come so unwelcomed and suddenly into our lives. He got up from the couch lookin at me like i was crazy as i stood there shaking in fear with a plate full of waffles.

So we head back to the battle zone, and the cockroach is no where to be seen. My grandfather in his brave ex marine style, begins to remove pillows and blankets from the floor when all of a sudden, from out of nowhere the cockroach reappears and runs about as though he had just been spun around in a playground swing too many times and had attempted to go running. He hid behind the couch. My grandfather in his attempt to murder the beast managed to stomp so hard that he fell backwards on the couch. He walked away in defeat. While all this is going on i stand helplessly upon my computer chair watching hopelessly as my grandfather gets conquered. Minutes roll by, i sit back helplessly in my chair, when the stupid roach has the balls to return to the scene of the crime battle two has begun, cockroach: 1, helpless wussy teenage girl: 0.

I run in to get my mother, my grandfather has retired to bed. But by the time i drag my mother back out, he is gone again. And i continue to sit in my chair trembling and frightened. He reappears "MOOOOOMMMMM!!!" she comes out with her weapon of choice.....a shoe.....good choice. He rounds the corner towards the bathroom, turns around and looks at me....then disappears aroung the corner, cockroach: 3 helpless wussy teenage girl and wussy mom: 0.

He reappears. This time on the other side of the bathroom, "MOOOOOOM!!!! HES RIGHT HERE!!!!" She steps out, its like a show down, a walk off, whatever you wish to call it, i resume my position standing atop my computer chair as it charges me i mother tells me to shutup. The cockroach stares me down.....taunting me, laughing in my face. My mother sneak attack from the rear "BAM! BAM! BAM!" he is dead. Victory at last, and i get to enjoy the peaceful slumber of a father whose daughters arent out getting impregnated (name that movie), knowing that the cockroach wont be nesting in my hair in the middle of the night, and laying eggs.

Yes this all did actually happen, i am a loser, a loser who is terrified of insects, sue me.

"hes so bulgy hes like a moose!....oh the humanity....."


Ok i had to blog again, because that last blog was so depressing and makes me sound a little crazy, i was just frustrated and mad but im way over that now, i dont really have anything important to say, i just had to make that blog go away.

All week, i havent had a fence, my grandfather felt the need to tear it down and in doing so he exposed our entire backyard to hall johnson, and i feel like people can see me all the time now, doing anything, cuz my room is like right there. He also managed to cut the cable, and when they came to fix it the picture tube in our tv back here broke, so we cant even watch movies on it now. Its kinda good cuz my grandma isnt always back here watching sharon osborne, and dr phil and oprah, so i get a little more time to myself. My aunt uncle and cousin came into town last night, quite unexpectedly i might add, and brought their dog. Their annoying dog. That stupid thing sat outside my window and barked all morning, i almost threw a fit.

We have a BG performance tonight at southlake town center, i love performing its so fun, its just the coolest thing because when im performing i can just feel God in me, and i cant help but i have a huge goofy grin on my face the whole time.

"camera two...."


Everything about this day sucks. School sucked, im tired of being stupid. Track, track is not fun anymore all the cool people left and the bad part of it is i found myself sitting around there trying to find entertainment because for one i must be a bigger loser than i thought, because no one called me to do anything. And then, i would text people to see what they were doin, and they flat out ignored me, or told me they would call and they didnt. Thats just rude. Then i got all excited cuz i had plans to go out to lunch with someone i havent hung out with in a while and they bailed on me. THEN my mom decides that 11 is too late to leave the house, im sorry but im almost 18 and i would normally already be out anyways, why do i have to be quarantined to my house on a friday night, this is just the last place i want to be. I cant wait to get out of here, i want it to be summer, i want freedom, i want to be able to come and go as i please, its not like i havent earned her trust, i dont get it. Im tired of feeling like i annoy everyone, like the only reason i hang out with people and talk to people is because i but in on their lives, when im really unwanted. Thats how it has always felt. I may not be the life of the party, or the most exciting person around, but right now i feel like the most annoying aggravating burden on everyone around me. I feel like everyones last resort, that they will hang out with me if their other plans dont work out, if they have nothing better to do, if they are that desperate.

"and i want to believe you, when you tell me that itll be ok, yea i try to believe you.....but i dont"


Check it out....i got inspired to try this, i hope it sounds as cool on here as it does in my head.....

So the other day i was taking A Walk to Remember to The Sandlot and i was thinkin about That Thing You Do. Thats when i ran into my Son in Law and Mrs. Doubtfire who were on their way to My Best Friends Wedding, after taking a Joy Ride, they were ready to Meet the Parents. Now and Then, i think about our Christmas Vacation in Fargo, and i Remember the Titans and The Patriot and it reminds me that Pirates of the Caribbean could be a sign of Armageddon. There are 10 Things I Hate About You, and when i think of them, I want to call The Godfather, but then i remember that Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. As I was walking down The Green Mile i ran into The Rookie and he was Saving Private Ryan. I asked him if he was ready to Bring It On but instead he told me A Knights Tale and about that time we ran into Oceans Eleven. They counted Sixteen Candles and gave them to The Little Mermaid who then told us some Legends of the Fall and about her love for Edward Scissorhands. The Family Man and The Mummy were Sleepless in Seattle and Legally Blonde while taking A Walk in the Clouds, and telling The Story of Us. I took a Road Trip to the Animal House with Zoolander and thats When Harry Met Sally. I almost fell Overboard into The Money Pit when i stopped and thought of The Ten Commandments and found myself to be Homeward Bound. The Rookie of the Year was Gone With the Wind when his sister asked if he wanted to Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, he decided instead to join The Breakfast Club. My friend Jerry McGuire went with the Super Troopers to find The Last of the Mohicans and thats about As Good as it Gets.

"sing it again rookie biatch"