Anything But Ordinary

"My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while its on your plate"


I would like to know what it is about gas stations that make people feel the need to talk to you and get all up in your business. Like everyday after service learning i hit up the Shell on Hall Johnson to get me a king size kit kat and water, and if there are people in there i guess on the little sticker i have to wear at the elementary school it says "Hello scary trucker stranger i want you to talk to me, please." It just freaks me out, its a good thing one of the ladies that works therpaying the rent. I was this close to living in a shelter, and there's no reason someone with my desire to fight and writing skills should have to suffer like this.

The League of Liberals was founded so that we can share ideas, let's learn to share our resources as well: let's help each other out by working together to contact these organizations, or pool together to create our own...I have a few ideas that might work very well, and I can even put together a business plan. But I can't do it alone. Let's work together and build something that's greater than all of us put together. email me or post a comment, or write a letter on the LoL mailing list. Let's roll...2520Want%20To%20Help">email me or post a comment, or write a letter on the LoL mailing list. Let's roll...an123: bret
madjulian123 signed off at 6:58:27 PM.

DARN BOYS!curity experts say the trojan defense is a valid one because computer hijacking occurs all the time and savvy hackers can easily cover their tracks.

"I've seen cases where there is a similar defense and it could work or not work based on corroborating evidence" such as how technical the defendant is, said Jennifer Stisa Granick, clinical director of the Sanford Law Center for Internet and Society.

It is relatively easy to trace a hack back to a particular computer, but proving that a specific person committed the crime is much more difficult, she and others said.

Someone other than the computer owner could use the machine, either by gaining physical access or remotely installing trojan software that was slipped onto the computer via an e-mail sent to the computer owner or downloaded from a malicious Web site, they said.

"On the one hand, this is 100 percent correct that you can not make that jump from computer to keyboard to person," said Bruce Schneier, chief technology officer at Counterpane Internet Security based in Cupertino, California. "On the o


I would like to start off by saying that we won friday night, it was one of the funnest games we have ever played! Prolly cuz it was senior night, I am such a sap i was crying like a little baby but my Roomizzle was too, so i wasnt alone. With that said if we beat Grapevine on tuesday we win district for the first time in school history, you know all of the info so just be there thats all it takes is your presence cuz its gonna be one heck of a game.

Today i went to the A&M OSU game. And despite the fact that we got bent over by the "pokes" (ironically enough) it was sooo fun. I have fallen in love with aggieland officially, and i am about to start counting down the days until i live there. Not only have i fallen in love with the land, but i have i ever told you about my weakness for clean cut guys? And not only clean cut guys, but men in uniform, that one isnt as common but it is always nice. A&M is swarming with the corps of cadets, and of course the yell leaders, now gettin some action with a yell leader would be kinda difficult cuz there are only 5 of them but my ortho's son is a yell leader and already has me in line to marry him, so i already got it goin on and i havent even graduated high school yet.

There is something that will always confuse me, but at the same time, not confuse me at all. The other night i had an encounter with a cockroach. Now this wasnt just some cockroach that went scampering across my driveway and away into the grass where he would hopefully never be seen again, but this brave little soldier managed to make his way into my vball bag. So around 2 in the morning when i was taking out stuff and packing other stuff i saw him runnin around in there and very nearly soiled myself. My mom claimed i was seeing things and although she denied that the little spawn of satan was even there she would just get the bag and throw it in the laundry room, where it could obviously not harm me. She just made fun of me, thanks mom. OK but long story shorter than it could be, the roach was there and i whisked him away under the couch where i pray to God he isnt reproducing. Ok so what confuses me about them, they are soo tiny we tower over them yet the average american is sooo terrified of them, there is something about their crunchy outsides and yellow gooey insides and long gangly antler things, that frightens me to my very soul. If someone wanted to take me to a haunted house for halloween they could just lock me in my room and have me relieve the night i just told you over and over. Because i knew if i didnt get that thing out of my room it would crawl in my pillow make children and i would wake up in a pool of them the next morning. Their only known purpose is to survive nuclear holocaust, maybe thats why they are so terrifying, they are tougher than most everything ever created. Gig 'em Aggies.

"Some people can sing, come can dance, i can turn phalic cakes into woodland creatures."


Alright, so basically I am being forced to write this one by Jessi, so if it sucks blame it on her, creative writing genius doesnt necessarily flow like wine out of me. Anyways, this is what you need to do, the rest of the week at like 8 watch I love the 80s strikes back on VH1 its good times, funny stuff.

I think they need to take the PSATs everyday so that way i dont have to get there till 110, that was an amazing day. I went to IHOP with my senior vball girls for brunch, and that was amazing, i love them so much, i cant believe we only have a couple more weeks together, this makes me very sad cuz they all rock. Friday is our last home game, that is gonna be so weird, cuz i always thought about what it was gonna be like knowing i only had one more game EVER in that gym, its just a very surreal thought, that i am a senior they are gonna be honoring for senior night, so with that in mind i am gonna have the best time ever and beat the crap out of boswell.

Ok i have to go ahead and say this but i am very bitter and very angry, but you have to keep in mind that they played very well and we played possibly the worst game we have all season, we lost to Haltom. Dont even start to give us crap about this cuz they are a pretty decent team. Anyways with this in mind i am more determined than ever to pulverize boswell and not mention anally (sp?) rape grapevine. Man those fagballs have been talking so much trash and they deserve to be beaten, so i will advertise once more, tuesday october 28 at grapevine 630, so we need you to come help show who the better and obviously much more attractive team is.

Im a little worried about what i am going to be like when i am a mother. Granted i will probably be alot different than i am now, but if i dont change much my kids are gonna have to learn to be tough. Cuz today we had kids for the first time out at the embassy and it was fun, but by golly 2nd grade boys just feel the need to find the best possible way to drown themselves in the creek. One of my kids was mexican so i dunno maybe he couldnt understand when i was yelling at him, but who knows those kids are becoming bilingual so quickly these days, then one of the other little guys was such a wuss the whole time "im scared i want my mommy im only 7 years old" suck it up kid we are in the woods its time to become a man! And of course i am partnered with Fagen and she makes me look like some sort of slave driving antichrist because she is so nice, i dunno sometimes someone just has to be the enforcer i guess thats im so mean, i was just being racist towards and making fun of little kids......

I promise im not a bad person, this is what i mean by i hope i change by the time i bear children, but anyways i love kids and old people, and some mexicans are pretty cool, not all.....cuz today some random mexicans at school were whistling at me leah and jen after vball and like trying to talk to us, and that creeps me out, those are the mexicans that should be deported, along with canadians and jews.(only kidding much love to my dawgs up north and homies out east)

"I dont want a large Farva, i want a literacola!"


Isnt it such a great feeling when you think you have a ton of homework but you do it and its not bad and you finish way earlier than you thought? I love that, thats the reason Im here tonight.

Ok so my weekend, friday well i have to admit I am a wee bit of a traitor, i went to trinity's pep rally after ours, but only because i didnt hae 1st period and i have alot of friends that go there, i made up for it and sat on the cville side at the football game all the way to the bitter end, those of you who stayed as well you are the only true dedicated fans.........rock on.......

We beat Trinity in volleyball on friday in 3 and that was good, and grapevine lost to keller which is even better cuz they were talking trash and now we are in sole posession of first in district with 3 games to go, its all so exciting it will be a good game when we play them you should all come, tuesday oct. 28 6:30 at grapevine.

So lets see this weekend was pretty uneventful, i got out of bed at like 1230 as i should have, and read literally all day for my CA, that was hideously boring, but not too bad cuz i read outside and saturday was gorgeous, and like i say on days like that how could i be in a bad mood? So that night i went and hung out with traci callie jenni brittney tyler austin jake duffie and john thornton, we did a lil hot tubbin and football and basketball playin, it was really fun, i love hanging out with those guys, they are a hoot. So i left there cuz we had to make an early exit and went to johnnas and finished watching a movie with her tommy toby brad megan andrew and christina, then went to tobys and hung out with toby brad and tommy, and ya know i love those guys, they are soo goofy, all these people i think you should really consider hanging out with they are all a good time, i really am so blessed. Oh yea to back track friday after the game i went to jessis with lauren and toby and watched love and basketball one of my all time favs, but i fell asleep watching it....

You know its really scary when you fall asleep and wake up abruptly and have no clue where you are and whats going on, and then you have to drive home, that was me around 130 friday night, my mom called which woke me and no one was where they were when i fell asleep and i think i was mumbling pretty incoherently out of sheer confusion, i dunno you have to ask jessi, but for future reference, im gonna try not to fall asleep before i have to drive home, cuz that was very cool, so dont sleep before driving, or during driving in tommy's case......

When i was at the game friday i was asked if we won our game, when i said yes i overheard someone say, "man we should go to the volleyball games they win.."...........GEE YA THINK?! Gosh ask anyone who has been to our games they are exciting, cuz we actually can provide for students faculty parents family friends etc. anyone that has relation to CHHS the thrill of victory as opposed to our sorry football team! I love those guys, but at this point, its time to face the facts....i dont see a state championship on the horizon....

"Who wants cream?.......nobody?......ok no cream....."


Ok this one may not make a whole lot of sense, i really want to write it but i am watching the yankees red sox game 7 10th inning and man is it intense. GOOO RED SOX!!! Man i hope we win, hopefully i will know by the time my thoughts have been expressed. Phew that was a relief, we head to the 11th inning, ok anyways. I took watters test today, and i think i did ok, but we just have to know so much and i know its supposed to be important and im supposed to care but i really really dont.
The other day me and sally got some wendys and went to parr park for a little lunch, it was so cool. We havent like hung out in so long so that was cool and it was such a gorgeous day, i refuse to let anything seriously bother me on days like those, i just dont see how its possible. But for some reason things still do bother me, things that i really really wish didnt bother me just because they shouldnt. for example.....boys. Ok us girls know that boys are not worth the pain and the time, they just arent, because by nature they are jerks and no matter how much they do or dont deny it, they think with their penises, and we all know its true. Its just the crappiest feeling when you cant get over someone you know you cant have, you would like to think there is a chance someday maybe they will magically fall in love with you. But throughtout the years and my experience with the opposite sex i have come to realize this will NEVER EVER HAPPEN. Well maybe i shouldnt say never ever, cuz i suppose there is a small chance, but we all know its highly unlikely, so i figure you may as well give up your hopes. This may sound a little depressing but if you think about it......maybe it isnt.....
I mean say you give up on trying to get them to come to you and you just let them find you, and you are like totally shocked because you didnt even put forth the effort and you got the person you wanted. BUT if you are like ok im gonna forget about this and let them come to me, does this classify as getting your hopes up because you expect them to come after you? See this is where it gets all confusing, this is why boys arent worth ruining the beautiful days God gives us because they are just so confusing and weird, but unfortunately those little douchebags have a strange effect on us girls.
Red Sox lost, Boone homerun, doom on Boone.


ok so tonight was just amazing. we beat bell in volleyball, and this wasnt any ordinary victory. let me tell you the tale.....OK so the first time we played bell we won the first 2 games and lost the last 3, and they danced on our court in celebration, it was a horrible painful time. So tonight we roll up into bell ready to kick some serious tail, unfortunately we lost the first 2 games and dug ourselves into a lil hole, but this is were my amazing team finally showed up. We won the next three games and danced all over their court, it was so sweet. Man good times, so if you have never been to one of our games you need to get on the ball we only have 4 district games left, we will be sure to keep you entertained.
Anyways, life is good, im so thankful for that 3 day weekend, it was much needed, but it has thrown me off for the week, i kept thinking today was monday, because it sure did feel like one, am i wrong? It was a really long freaking day, but it was quite a way to cap it off woo hoooo.
So my new favorite song is definitely comfortable by john mayer. if you havent heard this song, you really really need to, its just so good, its on our varsity cd that my room made and there is just something about it.......
Is that not something that every girl wants to hear? "Theres just something about you...." wow how cool would that be, expecially if you liked the person back, i just think it makes a girl feel so wonderful and special and beautiful. Captivating i think sums it up, us girls captivate those boys for some unknown reason, it would be really convenient to know what it is about us that is so wonderful so we could work on highlighting that part of us. but unfortunately the magical phrase is"theres just something about you...." not " Your________ just takes my breath away" or whatever thats right that blank cant be filled for some reason, its all just so mysterious.....
So with this in mind i leave you waiting for my special someone to let me know that for some unknown reason, i captivate him......


ok that totally sucked i just deleted this huge big fat blog and i have no recollection of what i wrote in it, so i guess i will try to go back over it all. OU beat the panties off texas wow, thats just pathetic, i mean texas really bent over and got it Kobe style, if you know what i mean......anyways, man that was inappropriate......ok so have you seen that A&M shirt that has on the back "and we shall cut off the horns of the wicked"? i dont really like this so much, i dont think bible verses should be used to support violence, it just kinda creeps me out, this is really the only thing about a&m that i havent liked so far, i cant wait till im there next year.
Our football team plays trinity this you know how sad that is going to be? my friend toby that goes to trinity said they are gonna put up 70 on us, i dont know about that i mean after all i would say our defense is better than UT's, but we will see, but this is where my problem comes in......for some reason i have this strange feeling of "necessary support" for our lame football team that makes me want to sit on our side for this indefinite slaughter, but at the same time i have more friends on and off the field at trinity and their football games are fun cuz ya know....they win, so i dont know where i am gonna sit, i guess it will just come to me in a dream or something. i have 2 things for you to watch when you get the chance i love the 70's or 80's whichever is on VH1 at the time, both are great, and then of course love and basketball, that movie is just......gosh words cant even express it, its amazing so when you get the chance enhance your life with either of these wonderful programs that have truly been blessings to my own life.
we lost to keller on friday, i dont want to go into details it was just so depressing. i dont think you could call me a sore loser, more like an emotional loser because as expected, i cried. Mostly cuz we really could have won that game and it only makes it that much harder to win district which i want to do so so bad, and because i tend to focus on mistakes i make in games and not so much the good things. its not like i think i could win the game for the team on my own, just that i feel like there is more i coulda done, thats just how it is with me i dunno, i am a very intense competitor
I am pretty bummed that the red sox lost, i really want them to beat the yankees, but i dunno how much they deserved it. As i remember pedro martinez (coulda been someone else....) threw down one of the yankees coaches onto the ground. this wouldnt have been so bad if the coach wasnt a senior citizen.....72 freaking years old, why would martinez do this, i know it is a bitter rivalry but if i meet someone from grapevines parents at the Atria im not gonna push them down the stairs in their wheelchair. They have already suffered enough having been thru those nazi concentration camps, well i guess that really only applies to the jews, but we need not to physically beat the tar out of them just because they are basically useless to society, dont get me wrong i love old people they rock, but it really is the honest truth and we all kinda know it. So pretty much it boils down to the fact that all mexicans need to be deported and their should be a general age limit on life so that people will no longer be violent or useless. Have a great day! (I am only kidding about all of this i have nothing against mexicans or old people......well nothing against most of them....)


Ok ok so I am seriously depressed that Friends has officially entered its last season, I remember watching them in 3rd grade, they are one major part of my life, and most likely yours too. So every team dinner as I meet with the worlds most incredible teammates we count down the final few episodes and through the laughter i cant help but think that this time next year, I wont be doing the same thing......ANYWAYS, I am really really slacking off in school, actually i dont really have any homework but its the kinda thing where i should be getting ahead on something but im totally not cuz like i said, senior year, know where im going next year, dont care about this place......this equals a severe lack of motivation. So i guess i will just have to see how it goes.

A majority of my friends go to Trinity, Faith, and Covenant, also known as my church friends. Gosh i love them all so much, they are just soo much cooler than Colleyville people its not even funny, no offense to my cville friends i love yall too, Lauren Sierra rocks my world! Man I am really looking forward to PALs tomorrow, I had so many of those people i taught the stomp to come up and tell me they practiced it and so I am gonna teach them the rest of it tomorrow its so fun. We play Keller tomorrow night, its a big game, game of the week according to Fort Worth Star Telegram. They are on a roll and we are trying to stay in first in district so it will be a good game. Volleyball is sooo fun, I cant even explain it, we all get along so well and have a blast, which naturally helps us on the court, I am just so glad senior year is going well as far as that is concerned. Someone asked me today if i was burned out, of practice? yes always i hate practicing pretty much anything, but the games and the girls never, i think i could do this for a really long time. Basketball on the other hand, thats another story, I am already burnt out of that and the season doesnt start for a good month and a half 2 months. Bah i dont even want to go there right now.

Our football team apparantly put on a stellar performance last week against those Bell queers, and of course its the one game i choose not to go to, but thats just because i figured we had no chance they should have just disbanded the team after losing to Haltom, and i think everyone agrees with me. Anyways they also have Keller tomorrow and i cant wait to see what they do about Hugh Charles, he is their allstar man child blackman running back, i saw him at the track meets last year, what a stud, i love black people. They can sing dance, talk cool, jump high run fast im tellin you they got it goin on. Ok i cant do this any longer my craving for a poptart has taken over my entire existence so i will leave you now, have a wonderful night and a great weekend.


Well well, its about time i got one of these, im looking forward to it as should you. Just to fill you in im a senior at Colleyville Heritage, and no im not rich, i currently have 25 dollars in my bank account so at no time ever will i buy you a new car or pay for your prom just cuz i go to cville and im supposed to be rich cuz thats just not how it is. Anyways i play volleyball basketball and track which is necessary considering the massive amounts of fattening foods i manage to consume in a day. I get a lot of crap about this from my best friend Emily, just because i eat 2 pieces of pizza and 3 cookies each day at lunch doesnt make me a bad person no matter what she may think she just likes to rub in the fact that shes "the skinny one" ok that is such a lie cuz im nothing short of greatness and she knows it and is just bitter.
Our volleyball team is so amazing! We are first in district as of now, and we deserve cuz i know there is no way any other team could have as much fun being together as we do, its just ridiculous.
I plan on going to A&M next year with my Hoohizzle (yea yea) im really looking forward to it. Fortunately i have been blessed with being in the top 10% so my near automatic acception to this institution makes it hard for me to stay motivated this year, especially for Renshaw's timed writing tomorrow.......pray for that! I am in this group at church called Brokenground. We sing and dance and do stomp routines, kids in 8th-12th grade. Its so fun and today in PALs as i continued to teach Lauren the step stomp like i have been for the last 3 months and as time went on like 12 other people in there wanted to learn it too. It was really funny because in a room full of white people you think one person could do the running man in a coordinated fashion, its the classic white mans dance, but nooooo maybe one or 2 people could and the sheer fact that i have to teach people the running man indicates in and of itself how far our society has fallen. I have no clue how the running man has anything to do with society, but it should. On that note, im off to bed so until next time, good afternoon good evening and goodnight.